When I watched the film called Matilda, I thought: What kind of marvellous mind has been able to invent this modern fable… Today, I know the answer, Roald Dahl.
Matilda, the modern Cinderella, combine a lot of characteristics in its argument that make it a big Children’s Literature’s example. Matilda hasn’t parents, an orphan girl (like Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, Peter Pan or another Roald Dahl’s book’s main character of The Witches-), she has strange magical powers (like Harry Potter too) and the novel action succeed at school (school is the best and the worst place for children’s adventures, two faces of the same coin). The last thing: Matilda loves books.
Few years later, I know the answer to that question: the Matilda’s creator is Roald Dahl. In this point, it has come the moment to speak about Roald Dahl, probably, the most important 20th century’s Children’s Literature’s author.
Matilda, the modern Cinderella, combine a lot of characteristics in its argument that make it a big Children’s Literature’s example. Matilda hasn’t parents, an orphan girl (like Oliver Twist, Harry Potter, Peter Pan or another Roald Dahl’s book’s main character of The Witches-), she has strange magical powers (like Harry Potter too) and the novel action succeed at school (school is the best and the worst place for children’s adventures, two faces of the same coin). The last thing: Matilda loves books.
Few years later, I know the answer to that question: the Matilda’s creator is Roald Dahl. In this point, it has come the moment to speak about Roald Dahl, probably, the most important 20th century’s Children’s Literature’s author.
Roald Dahl was born in 1916 -Llandaf (Wales)- and died on 1990. His life was full of happy and sad events (like he was pilot in II World War and his daughter Olivia died when she was a child). A lot of his books have been traduced to many languages -like French, German, Spanish, Japanese or Chinese- and have been adapted to cinema. Among his creations can cite The Witches, Dirty Beasts or his brilliant traditional fairy tales’ adaptation, Revolting rhymes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, George’s Marvellous Medicine or James and the Giant Peach.
More information http://www.roalddahl.com/